NCC activities in the FIMT college for Male and Female students.

1. The aim behind this is to empower the students with a tool which would help them in shaping their carrier and transform them into a responsible citizen.
2. Necessary liaison with Army Authorities at Battalion and Group Headquarters level has already been carried out.
3. In phase one sanction for one company strength (160 Approx) for male students was requested and necessary documents were forwarded to 3 Battalion NCC HQ.
4. Based on the application forwarded by the college raising of senior division NCC Company Army Wing has been sanctioned vide 3 Delhi BN NCC letter received on 12 Nov 2021.
5. Students who are found physically and mentally fit will be enrolled into NCC after which their training will commence in phase manner.
6. In phase two sanction for one company strength (160 Approx) for female students was requested and necessary documents were forwarded to 1 Delhi Battalion NCC HQ.
7. Based on the application forwarded by the college raising of senior division NCC Company Army Wing has been sanctioned vide 1 Delhi Girls BN NCC letter received on 17 Nov 2021.

What training is provided to NCC cadets

1. Candidates are trained in drill, shooting, physical fitness, First aid, map reading, sailing and camp training.
2. Out of the entire training period, every cadet of the Senior Division has to undergo service training for a minimum period of 75% of total hours during the annual college and school session, which is compulsory for every cadet except in the case of some medical case.,
3. Every cadet during the training year to attend an annual training camp of 14 days duration in the case of Senior Division .

Some of the main criteria's NCC works over to carve the nation builders, are stated below:

1. Candidates are given preference while admission to the top colleges and universities all across the country.
2. It will give an reflective preference in Army.
3. Candidates get a reservation in state government jobs.
4. Candidates are even preferred by many private industries for different types of jobs.
5. NCC works towards the empowerment of country youth engaging them into the constructive activities that keep them away from any negative forces.
6. Developing the character, discipline , leadership, courage, secular outlook and the sprit of adventure amongst the youth of the country.
7. Training the young cadets to adopt leadership in every sphere of life so that they are always ready to serve their nation effectively and passionately.
8. Training the youth in social service activities like aid to the administration in times of calamities, preservation of environment and ecology, blood donation campaigns, literacy programs and construction and cleanliness drives.
9. Campaigning against the social evils like dowry system, female foeticide, child marriage, child labour, drugs, etc, in the form of different Rallies.

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat programme aims to enhance interaction & promote mutual understanding between people of different states/UTs through the concept of state/UT pairing. The states carry out activities to promote a sustained and structured cultural connect in the areas of language learning, culture, traditions & music, tourism & cuisine, sports and sharing of best practices, etc.



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